KK Split, Split


It was back in 1945, when Split saw the first basketball game of the Fiscultural society Hajduk and since then the club was known under several different names – Hajduk, Split, Jugoplastika, Pop 84, Slobodna Dalmacija and Croatia osiguranje. Due to its famous heritage, the club has written itself with golden letters into the history books and perhaps the most famous were the times when it was competing under the name Jugoplastika.

Glory Days

The club has undergone many successful periods and its trophy cupboards are filled with numerous honours but perhaps the two peaks that could be pointed out were midways through the 70's, when the club has won the European Radivoj Korać Cup twice in a row (1976 and 1977) and between 1989 and 1991, when they were three times the winners of the European Champions Cup. Besides the times, spent on top of Europe, it's worth mentioning that Split's pride was the champion of Yugoslavia 6 times and also 5 times Yugoslav Cup Winner. They won Croatian National Championship once and Croatian National Cup 5 times as well.

Club Information

Ulica slobode 16b, 21000 Split, Croatia SHOW MAP
+385 21 361 111
+385 21 361 111


President:Ante Vuković
General Manager:Dejan Žaja


Mala dvorana KK Split
Ulica slobode 16 b, 21000 Split, Croatia SHOW MAP

Trophy Case


1989, 1990, 1991

Korač Cup

1976, 1977

Croatian National Championship


Croatian National Cup

1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2004, 2025

Yugoslavian National Championship

1971, 1977, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991

Yugoslavian National Cup

1972, 1974, 1977, 1990, 1991

Team Roster, Season 2018/19

# Name Position Height Date of Birth Nationality
Michael Cobbins Power Forward 203 09.08.1992 USA
Goran Filipović Guard 180 26.11.1996 HRV
Tomislav Gabrić Forward 204 17.08.1995 HRV
Roko Gizdavčić Shooting Guard 190 12.03.2001 HRV
Josip Jukić Center 203 09.09.1996 HRV
Mate Kalajžić Guard 190 15.03.1998 HRV
Mateo Kedžo Power Forward 205 06.09.1984 HRV
Maj Kovačevič Shooting Guard 190 30.03.1990 SVN
Pavle Marčinković Forward 197 06.05.1989 HRV
Jamel Morris Shooting Guard 193 14.11.1992 USA
Ivan Omrčen Forward 187 04.05.1999 HRV
Ivan Perasović Forward 200 23.04.2002 HRV
Bruno Rebić Guard 186 02.11.1999 HRV
Lovre Runjić Forward 197 09.09.2000 HRV
Mauro Veljačić Guard 183 22.06.1993 HRV
Ivan Vrgoč Center 201 20.09.1999 HRV

Club Statistics

Show Data for

Game Stats

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv Val
1 Split-Vršac W 87 58.5 19 32 59.4 12 21 57.1 13 14 92.9 13 5 1823 8 16 2 1 25 20 93
2 Dynamic-Split W 78 50 21 37 56.8 7 19 36.8 15 19 78.9 26 10 3615 2 19 3 3 22 24 82
3 Split-Rogaška W 81 50 20 38 52.6 10 22 45.5 11 13 84.6 22 11 3316 7 23 1 2 21 20 80
4 Sutjeska-Split W 90 55.7 25 38 65.8 9 23 39.1 13 15 86.7 25 7 3221 6 12 1 1 26 18 100
5 Split-Spars L 60 35.9 18 43 41.9 5 21 23.8 9 12 75 25 12 3711 6 13 1 3 25 19 49
6 MZT Skopje-Split L 87 56.4 22 36 61.1 9 19 47.4 16 19 84.2 17 5 2218 5 13 0 3 21 17 85
7 Split-Borac W 81 53.6 21 37 56.8 9 19 47.4 12 19 63.2 26 8 3415 6 11 5 1 23 22 95
8 Koper Primorska-Split L 71 44.8 17 34 50 9 24 37.5 10 13 76.9 17 8 2513 5 13 1 4 31 18 50
9 Split-Lovćen L 71 51.9 16 28 57.1 11 24 45.8 6 11 54.5 22 8 3015 5 14 1 0 23 18 73
10 Zrinjski-Split L 72 47.3 16 33 48.5 10 22 45.5 10 16 62.5 24 3 2716 4 15 2 2 25 19 63
11 Split-Helios W 82 47 23 42 54.8 8 24 33.3 12 16 75 25 8 3321 7 10 5 0 22 24 101
12 Vršac-Split W 96 59.7 29 43 67.4 11 24 45.8 5 7 71.4 13 10 2321 12 13 0 3 22 18 103
13 Split-Dynamic L 72 45.6 16 33 48.5 10 24 41.7 10 13 76.9 19 9 2823 10 16 1 1 16 21 88
14 Rogaška-Split L 69 49.1 22 39 56.4 5 16 31.3 10 18 55.6 24 8 3214 8 23 2 1 22 21 64
15 Split-Sutjeska W 109 63.6 24 36 66.7 18 30 60 7 9 77.8 28 8 3627 6 11 2 2 24 14 131
16 Spars-Split L 58 47.1 20 32 62.5 4 19 21.1 6 13 46.2 18 5 2315 5 14 1 0 20 19 53
17 Split-MZT Skopje L 76 42 21 48 43.8 8 21 38.1 10 15 66.7 27 9 3615 7 9 6 4 18 19 83
18 Borac-Split L 73 42.9 21 42 50 6 21 28.6 13 15 86.7 23 12 3513 9 14 1 5 25 21 70
19 Split-Koper Primorska L 75 47.3 14 31 45.2 12 24 50 11 16 68.8 27 7 3417 3 17 6 2 22 22 82
20 Lovćen-Split W 65 43.6 16 34 47.1 8 21 38.1 9 11 81.8 30 5 3512 6 17 3 2 27 16 58
21 Split-Zrinjski L 78 46.2 26 46 56.5 4 19 21.1 14 19 73.7 22 13 3523 6 13 2 1 27 22 85
22 Helios-Split W 82 51.6 27 48 56.3 6 16 37.5 10 16 62.5 29 10 3918 11 17 3 1 17 20 101
Average: 77.9 49.5 20.6 37.7 54.7 8.7 21.5 40.4 10.5 14.5 72.7 22.8 8.2 31 17.4 6.5 14.7 2.2 1.9 22.9 19.6 81.3
T:22 Total: 1713 49.5 454 830 54.7 191 473 40.4 232 319 72.7 502 181683 382 144 323 49 42 504 432 1789

Player Stats

overall FG2 FG3 FT Rebs Blck Foul
GP Min Pts % M A % M A % M A % D O T Ass St To Fv Ag Cm Rv +/- Val
Cobbins M. 22 547 244 72.5 110 152 72.4 1 1 100 21 43 48.8 118 51 169 17 16 34 21 4 56 58 -4 367
Filipović G. 1 11 2 25 1 2 50 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 5 1 -3 -4
Gabrić T. 22 625 228 45.4 34 71 47.9 49 112 43.8 13 16 81.3 71 11 82 31 22 42 7 4 66 32 65 187
Gizdavčić R. 3 35 5 33.3 1 3 33.3 1 3 33.3 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 3 0 -9 -1
Jukić J. 15 145 34 55.6 15 25 60 0 2 0 4 9 44.4 14 19 33 3 2 10 2 1 36 16 -47 26
Kalajžić M. 20 505 202 48.6 56 103 54.4 12 37 32.4 54 71 76.1 48 14 62 78 18 49 2 5 65 85 24 239
Kedžo M. 21 403 217 46.4 73 156 46.8 10 23 43.5 41 50 82 54 28 82 35 7 37 2 6 40 77 -9 232
Kovačevič M. 14 372 143 45 14 20 70 31 80 38.8 22 25 88 17 2 19 17 6 15 1 1 40 23 -5 95
Marčinković P. 20 598 234 47 62 114 54.4 24 69 34.8 38 49 77.6 83 30 113 62 30 37 9 7 60 58 7 294
Morris J. 8 192 123 51.8 25 48 52.1 19 37 51.4 16 20 80 20 2 22 24 4 28 0 5 18 23 58 100
Omrčen I. 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 -20 -3
Perasović I. 2 27 7 50 2 3 66.7 1 3 33.3 0 0 0 2 0 2 1 0 0 1 1 3 1 5 5
Rebić B. 13 195 46 40.5 12 23 52.2 5 19 26.3 7 8 87.5 10 9 19 15 6 15 1 0 31 7 -73 22
Runjić L. 6 65 7 15.4 2 9 22.2 0 4 0 3 6 50 8 3 11 4 5 5 1 2 15 5 0 -3
Veljačić M. 18 485 192 46.8 42 94 44.7 32 64 50 12 20 60 45 6 51 84 24 40 0 5 39 43 29 218
Vrgoč I. 13 102 29 47.8 5 7 71.4 6 16 37.5 1 2 50 10 6 16 8 3 8 2 0 25 3 -26 15

FG2, FG3 - Field Goals

M - Made

Ag - Against

Rebs - Rebounds

St - Steals

FT - Free Throws

A - Attempted

Foul - Foul

D - Defensive

To - Turnover

Min - Minutes

Blck - Blocks

Cm - Committed

O - Offensive

Val - Index Value

Pts - Points

Fv - in Favoure of

Rv - Received

Ass - Assists

W - Won, L - Lost
